Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Potential Satellite Member's Recipe

Good Morning FNDC members,

At last dinner there was a motion put up for discussion as to whether an interested party and blog follower from the UK could become the first "satellite" member. Several requirements were thrown out as prerequisites before a formal vote could be taken. One of those was "What would he propose for dinner"? First requirement for entry satisfied below:

Right then do this for next Friday night’s meal Recipe below will probably serve around 8 people


1kg good quality beef mince
2 large onions – finely chopped
4/5 cloves of garlic – finely chopped
3 large peppers – one of each colour (red green yellow or orange) – finely chopped
4 red/green chilli’s – finely chopped – I don’t de-seed them but you may wish to
2 finger chilli’s / bird eye chilli – finely chopped – I don’t de-seed them but you may wish to
2 tins chopped plum tomatoes
1 glass of red wine
Half a tube tomato puree
A very generous squeeze of tomato sauce (one of my secret ingredients!!)
A good few drops of Worcestershire sauce (another of my secret ingredients)
2/3 drops of ‘Ultimate Insanity’ chilli sauce (very very very hot – this stuff is lethal !!) WARNING AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES AT ALL COST !!!!
2 tins of kidney beans
2/3 chunks of quality dark chocolate (acts as a flavour enhancer)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Place the mince in a large pan and cook through in it’s own fat, when cooked drain off the excess fat and then add the onions and garlic. Once the onions have cooked add all the other ingredients and cook on a low heat for as long as you want !! minimum ¾ hour stir occasionally to prevent it sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Serve with wild rice and garlic bread – ENJOY
You can sprinkle with grated cheese if you want especially if you find it too hot !!
This will improve on day 2 even if frozen on the day it’s cooked.

Now then I’ll have to work on the piccies but you already have the ones I’ve got


Sparky said...

Sounds yummy to me. I wager that would go well with pasta. It looks like a variation of Chili which I am always down with.

I would like to see what kind wine you would suggest to go with that. Most beer I imagine would go well with it.

I myself approve of that recipe and would like to try it. :)

the Older Bald Guy said...

I don't get it... would we be doing dinner over LiveMeeting??

Would he download a bratwurst from us??

Brian said...

Hmmmm... Virtual dinners would really put us back on the healthy meals again.